I must confess , at times I wonder if I chose the right direction.
About a few months ago , I decided I wanted some greenery in the kitchen, although I know we don't have much(any) light, I bought a rosemary plant. Now most of you with common sense would say, you can't have a rosemary plant in the middle of winter...but me, with no common sense says : if they sell it, it must live! Needless (or needles less) to say after a few weeks the needles fell , one at a time, and then like clumps. At least, I recuperated the rosemary for our supper of baked chicken and potatoes!
While starring at M. eat her avocado, I remembered seeing children plant avocado pits to grow a plant. Well my brain went to work, if kids can do it so can I!
I have a very visual memory, and I rememberd seeing something with water and toothpicks. So I stabbed the pit with 2 toothpicks , at both extremes and propped it over a glass with water so that half of it was soaking in water. I waited a couple of weeks and nothing. My husband G. kept smirking every time he passed by the mirky glass of water ,"doesn't the organic waste go in the bin", he said. So I decided to get some help professional help...google.
A great video enlightened me and so I went to the kitchen and threw out the pit. Went back to the grocery store and decided to have another stab at it. This time , I followed the videos' directions, and seems like a got it right. Well they said to wait 1-2 weeks, and it's been a month because I just don't want to rush mother nature.
But last week, as I stared at the pits trying to send them my postive vibes, I had to face reality. I looked up at G. and said, "Se tu fai crescere la pianta dell'avocado, io lascio la professione." (if you can grow a plant from a pit, I will give up the profession).
He said, "Se tu fai crescere la pianta della noce, io divento prete". (If you can grow a plant from a pit, I'll become a priest.)
While debating if I want to live with a priest, we brought home a series of treasures (sticks, cones and some moss) from our walk in the park with M. yesterday . I decided to put the moss on the avocado pit (because it seeks humidity and that damn seed has been sucking water for a month) ...well after 24 hours it stuck! So I may not be able to get it to grow roots, but I gave the bald guy some hair!

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